Welcome to Volt Music Store! 

We are much more than just another music store. We care about our clients and the gear we showcase, and most of all we love making music!
The equipment we sell is not run-of-the-mill, mass-produced, average products. Instead, we focus on high-quality brands, boutique rarities, and reliable music-making machines to help you achieve your dreams, whatever your budget.

We offer a vast range of musical instruments from the top manufacturers, studio equipment to make your room worthy of your music, DJ gear for amateurs and professionals, stage and PA equipment for all use cases, stage lighting to make your talent shine, Hi-Fi set-ups for an actual listening experience and all the accessories you can think of.

Our company is deeply rooted in music making. Our founder and owner, Valts Tenters also known as Vol-T, dedicated his life to music performance, DJ-ing, and gaining endless experience and knowledge in the equipment of all kinds.
His passion for music brought him to found his own store in Riga, Latvia called T Studio. After several successful years in the business, it was time to expand: we opened a new showroom in Rotterdam, the Netherlands, in May 2022.

This location, in the heart of an international city in the center of Europe, reflects our ambition, which is to expand internationally, both on the place and online.

In 2023 VMS was born, through a rebrand of T Studio Rotterdam, with the objective of becoming a single one-stop shop for all needs, every budget, and use scenario.

Nonetheless, our professional, one-on-one style of customer support remains the same. You can ask any question, purchase advice, make specific recommendations or help set up your hardware or software, we will promptly answer. If you’re looking for any small, rare part you might be looking for to bring your old instrument back to life, give it a shot with us!

A full-fledged online store, providing a huge variety of instruments, equipment, and accessories, delivering all across the globe in fast times with an ever-expanding showroom in one of Europe’s most important cities where you can try all the instruments and studio gear for yourself, caring for your happiness with your choice and providing all support that you might need: this is who we are!